On January 29, 2025, we begin the New Lunar Year of the Wood Snake. What implications does this have for our energy? In what ways will 2025 differ from the departing 2024 Lunar Year?
First, let's examine the characteristics of traditional snake symbolism, followed by an exploration of the energetics of the Wood Element. Finally, by revisiting key aspects of the retiring Wood Dragon, from my last year's blog, we can understand how the energy is set to change.
Snake Symbolism in the East and the West
Our initial instinct when seeing a snake is to back away. It provokes apprehension or even fear. Only by viewing this creature from its own perspective, free from the widespread fear ingrained in collective consciousness, can we truly appreciate its attributes. It is likely that the first lesson this year will teach us how to overcome our apprehensions.
Perhaps its poor reputation is due to its low visibility. As a crawling creature, it must stay hidden from many of its predators and operate away from the spotlight. Hence, the second theme for 2025 is that what is currently in the spotlight might have to hide and what is hidden will come to light.
The snake embodies more Yin than Yang traits, yet it is far from slow! Its renowned agility bestows upon this creature exceptional intelligence, enabling it to have the capacity to live a long live. Indeed, be it its lifespan or its impressive body length, make the snake a symbol of longevity. In the Far East, it is frequently represented as a circle of life or a symbol of 8 for eternity. Therefore, in 2025, we are likely to uncover more life sustaining secrets.
The snake of Asclepius, or the pair of snakes of the Caduceus, have long been symbols representing medical doctors and the pharmaceutical industry in the Western world. And just consider that it was Eve, Adam's other half, who's got all the blame for following the serpent, whilst we are doing it every day.
In Chinese Medicine, the snake is linked to both the Water Element, and thus the Kidneys, and the Earth Element, and thus the Spleen, as snakes can inhabit water or earth. This year, these two organs will receive a celestial boost but will also demand more of our focus. The blend of the two is beneficial for fertility, digestion, blood and liquids in the body and all transformative processes, including deep healing, within our bodies. This is an ideal year to address and heal deep-rooted traumas and chronic illnesses.
In fact, the association of snakes with longevity is referred to the physical body more so than to the spiritual aspects of our being. It is also founded on the distinctive phenomenon of skin shedding in snakes. As a result, in 2025, anticipate that people, including yourself, will change their image and the way they present themselves to the world. This transformative ability is more inherently feminine, making it more prevalent among women. It already occurs at various stages in a woman's life, when she becomes a mother, a grandmother, or matures into womanhood. And this year, anyone can have their Cinderella experience!
As a side note, the symbolism of a snake is commonly associated with a woman in both Eastern and Western cultures. Consider Eve again, who accepted the message of the serpent and gave life to first human successors. Similarly, in ancient Chinese mythology, the deity Nü Gua, known as the ancestor of humankind, is portrayed as being half woman and half serpent. In Eastern Europe, the tale of Eglé and the snake highlights the remarkable transformative power of femininity (pictured below).

Green is the Wood Element
What about the governing Element in 2025? It will remain the same, as both 2024 and 2025 are governed by the Wood energy. Wood Element is linked with green colour, Spring, with growth, childhood, creativity, overstepping the boundaries in order to find new experiences to learn from. Wood element is associated with Liver and Gallbladder, so these two organs will continue receiving an extra energetic boost in 2025. Utilize this energy to detox, particularly during the spring season. For inspiration, take a look at my Loving-3-phase-detox for ideas of a gentle detox.
The Wood Element will add Yang energy to the Snake in 2025, it will keep the snake out of its den most of the time. The qualities of agility, reactivity and creativity will get an extra boost this year. Therefore, dedicate yourself to creative projects, move quickly by avoiding obstacles, keeping in sight your goal. Have faith in the process!
With the addition of Wood energy to deep healing of the snake, it can be inferred that the healing processes in 2025 will be rapid. The healing will be both profound and swift. The rapid pace of healing will bring a certain ease to otherwise pain-staking processes. So, make the most of this by using the ageless method of acupuncture as the healing medium for your body, mind and soul in the coming year. The upcoming year presents the perfect opportunity to release old patterns and traumas that have become embedded in you but do not align with your future fulfillment nor destiny.
The balanced Wood Element, and therefore a healthy Liver, will offset the Snake's excessive energy of the Water and Earth Elements. Water is linked with the emotion of fear and Earth with the emotion of worry. If the Liver is weak, the fearful energy of the snake is likely to freeze the growth and a successful completion of a project or a healing process. Analogically, if Liver is weak it will not be able to push through the worry. Keep this in mind when you wonder why progress, particularly in regaining your health, is lacking.
In summary, unlike the highly Yang, dynamic, fierce, and daring Wood Dragon of 2024, the upcoming year will concentrate its energy on internal realms, which are less visible and profoundly transformative. Although, it will remain rapid, expansive, and action-packed nonetheless. Therefore, in 2025 harness the power of shedding your skin, moving between your life roles, embracing a new image, navigating obstacles in an almost shape-shifting manner. In Chinese culture the Green Snake is a symbol of hope, fortune, longevity and prosperity among other, which is what I sincerely wish for all of you in the coming new year 2025!
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